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An example of an equitable interest, may be found in a trust.
However, the change in the equitable interests must be evidenced.
Other methods can be used if it is desired to give him only an equitable interest in the land.
This role gave rise to the basic distinction between legal and equitable interests.
A contractual licence is itself an equitable interest in land.
The transfer of equitable interests must be performed in writing by the owner or their agent.
The third category is where the grantor holds only an equitable interest himself.
The court held that, even if there was a constructive trust, such did not create an equitable interest in the brewery.
However, the beneficiaries to the trust has an equitable interest in the trust.
Mrs Sabherwal was found to have an equitable interest in the property.
The option represents an equitable interest in the property and may be recorded at the county recorders office.
The contract transfers the equitable interest from the original owner to the other party, which takes place through a constructive trust.
Till 1926 we had not invented a way of mortgaging property without creating equitable interests.
Such estates can now only be created as equitable interests by means of the machinery of a trust.
The trustee has a legal interest in the property; the beneficiaries have an equitable interest.
The others exist only as equitable interests.
This assignment is of an equitable interest that enables the factor to fulfil his contracted functions.
The victim has only an equitable interest, and the accused is not guilty of theft of the shares.
The beneficiaries will acquire an equitable interest and, therefore, an equitable lease.
It is nearly silent as to the remarkable class of rights that had already assumed vast practical importance - equitable interests in lands.
A spouse who has made non-tangible contributions may claim an equitable interest in the marital property at divorce.
Since 1926, entails can no longer exist as legal estates, only as equitable interests, and enrollment has become unnecessary.
Second, when a contract to transfer rights is agreed to, the equitable interest is automatically transferred, something that also applies to personal property.
All legal or equitable interests of the debtor in property as of the commencement of the case.
An equitable interest over land which is not conveyed correctly may still be effective because of the rule in Walsh v Lonsdale.