Equally characteristic of The Shadow was the way he handled the real knife.
Arcesilaus held that strength of intellectual conviction cannot be regarded as valid, inasmuch as it is characteristic equally of contradictory convictions.
Equally characteristic is a marking from the Second Piano Sonatina: "espressivo, ma suppresso," the suppression being of the ego.
It is considered as equally characteristic as his Quatuor pour la fin du temps and is as immediately accessible as that work.
While this letter with its amazing contents is on its way to astonish Joe Goodman, we will consider one of quite a different, but equally characteristic sort.
But equally characteristic of this nation of efficiency experts is the development of skiing, their national sport.
A certain rude benevolence of public intention is equally characteristic of the liquor trade.
The flaws in his tactics were equally characteristic of his method.
But Lord Kitchener with characteristic patience waited for the right hour to come, and then with equally characteristic audacity played swiftly and boldly for his stake.
This interpretive flexibility - equally characteristic of the other great world religions - does not rob Islam of its distinctiveness.