During the argument, two sets of justices managed, with equal vehemence, to invoke Brown - while understanding it to require precisely opposite things.
A subdued slam above told that the door of the east gable had been shut with equal vehemence.
Local politicians angrily denounce police conduct; the government, with equal vehemence, denies the allegations.
He compared the film to Pulp Fiction: "praised and condemned with equal vehemence."
"I think it's awful for them to keep the child up this late," Marissa said with equal vehemence.
"And you deserved it," Tristan said with equal vehemence.
With equal vehemence, Princeton's trustees responded by defending the appointment in terms of academic freedom.
"I think he was too," Jason said with equal vehemence.
With equal vehemence, the Muslim group condemned anyone who may have been involved in such a plot.
And with equal vehemence, mayors have snapped right back that the commission was utterly nuts.