Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
But further research was required, he said, "to find out if this is a real connection or an epiphenomenon."
The Marxist, on the other hand, sees political power as an epiphenomenon determined by structural economic relationships.
Generally, when this occurs, the illness is an epiphenomenon and not the primary pathology.
For example, having an increased risk of breast cancer concurrent with taking an antibiotic is an epiphenomenon.
Why this epiphenomenon arises and how it could be derived from theory remain contentious subjects.
So, according to classical theory, ageing could only evolve as a side effect, or epiphenomenon of selection.
An epiphenomenon can be an effect of primary phenomena, but cannot affect a primary phenomenon.
In the field of complex systems, the term epiphenomenon tends to be used interchangeably with "emergent effect".
In medicine, an epiphenomenon is a secondary symptom seemingly unrelated to the original disease or disorder.
It's the merest epiphenomenon anyway, like its sister phantom, desire, which is also its mother.
But it can no longer be dismissed as an epiphenomenon of America's sexual libertinism and religious indiscipline.
Quasi-science will remain as a perpetual epiphenomenon.
(A side-effect is a specific kind of epiphenomenon that does occur as a direct consequence.)
She viewed consciousness as an epiphenomenon of excitation and inhibition of motor discharge.
"Individuality is not an epiphenomenon," Edelman concludes, "it's at the very center of our humanness."
Consciousness is an epiphenomenon.
It's an epiphenomenon.
In some instances, it is debatable as to which is the epiphenomenon, the subjective event or its observable correlate.
Often there is an implication that the epiphenomenon exerts no causal agency on the fundamental phenomena that explain it.
An epiphenomenon.
Probably not the main event either; it was probably just an epiphenomenon of whatever deep processes the Drummers were running down there in their collective mind.
It has been suggested that consciousness is merely a side-effect of neuronal functions, an epiphenomenon of brain states.
What we represent is not a sideshow, or an epiphenomenon, or an ancillary something-or-other on the edge of nowhere.
As the century progressed, Indian intellectuals, for instance, came to see Christianity as nothing more than an epiphenomenon of western political and commercial expansion.