These models have proven that the combination of environmental variability (stochascity) and relatively small migration rates cause indefinite or unpredictable persistence.
The fast growth rates and short generation times might also render these short-lived species particularly sensitive to environmental variability.
Some researchers propose that direct measures of environmental variability, using factors such as precipitation, are better predictors of phenotypic plasticity than latitude alone.
Persistence of stream invertebrate communities in relation to environmental variability.
Electrical and mechanical devices used in military and aerospace applications must endure greater environmental variability, including temperature range.
This fact interacts with inherent environmental variability (e.g. in soils, climate, topography, etc.), which is also a function of area.
These two thousand years in question marked a fitful end to the last ice age, one marked by high environmental variability.
Life history responses to environmental variability in early life.
Because each nest represents a separate colony, there are exceptionally small colonies, which are a clear adaptation to the high degree of environmental variability.
Polygyny is also associated with greater environmental variability in the form of variability of rainfall.