His research deals with desertification, dryland environments, climate change and other environmental phenomena.
A trend can be defined as an 'environmental phenomenon that has adopted a structural character'.
By weaving compelling, thematic stories about environmental phenomena and historical events, interpreters aim to provoke visitors to learn and think about their experiences.
Models single and coupled processes for geological and environmental phenomena particularly based around subsurface flow.
"It's an unprecedented environmental phenomenon," Mr. Janka said.
When making a thematic map, cartographers have to find accurate, up-to-date sources of information for a range of social and environmental phenomena.
The same environmental phenomena will therefore be perceived differently by a young child and an adult, according to their respective assimilatory capabilities.
Celestial and environmental phenomena such as comets, earthquakes, floods, and famines were recorded and juxtaposed with other historical events.
GIS is being employed to plan, facilitate and test a plethora of environmental phenomena and technological processes.
Climate change and gender is the interaction between the environmental phenomenon of climate change and the social category of gender.