The village's leading entrepreneur, Anatoly Marianchuk, who employs 12 people in his lumber business, complains that the government still strangles businesses with taxes and arbitrary rules.
As a side note, entrepreneurs complain that the 'on-cost' of hiring in the US via headhunters is much higher than in Europe.
Scientists and entrepreneurs have long complained that state and city officials have been too slow to recognize the potential that the biotechnology industry holds for the city.
The entrepreneur was contemplating suicide, and had complained to the Carabinieri of the extortion attempt.
Other entrepreneurs complain that the city and state efforts to restore the economy are tailored to the needs of large corporations rather than to small businesses.
In the second half of the 1990's, entrepreneurs frequently complained that the specter of Microsoft hung over their every conversation with venture capitalists.
Though many entrepreneurs still complain about British banks, the attitudes of lending officers are changing.
In practice, entrepreneurs complain that the host country's authorities abuse this requirement, insisting on documents that are not relevant to the work undertaken.
While entrepreneurs complain about the shortage of skilled workers, more and more young foreigners are ready to trek to this northernmost Baltic nation for a job.
Small entrepreneurs that were supposed to receive special treatment in order to encourage competition complained that the giants dominated the auction through alliances with startups.