It is the first entity dually listed on the mainboards of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
Among the 122 stamp-issuing entities listed are several that drive a browser to the encyclopedia: Wallaghia, now Walachia, is a region in central Rumania.
The same is true for this diocese where it can be seen that each of the entities listed in the title would have been a diocese in its own right.
Subsequently, Brambles merged its Australian and British-listed entities into a single entity listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
Out of the 1463 economic entities listed in 2004, 997 had fewer than 4 workers.
There have also been calls to have NEL divested into its individual entities and have these entities listed separately.
Many HF contests reward stations with a new multiplier for contacts with stations in each country - often based on the "entities" listed on the DXCC country list maintained by the American Radio Relay League ("ARRL").
A man who circled the globe nine times in various directions, he claimed to have visited 295 of the 311 political and geographic entities listed by Travelers' Century Club, including every state in the union and every nation except Iraq, generally finding a party at each stop.