The motor will last typically a half million miles due to greatly reduced engine revolutions per mile of travel.
A car can be set up to run basically the same top speed with fewer engine revolutions per minute.
The engine revolutions built to 2,750 during the dive causing a lot of noise.
This maintains Saab's hallmark of maximum torque at low engine revolutions, making the car fast off the mark.
This was used to calculate the total number of engine revolutions needed for the Bug to reach its destination.
The engine revolutions raced past the red line on the tachometer, and the boat came to an abrupt stop.
The engine revolutions dropped, and he saw it register on the airspeed indicator.
All these engines used essentially the same cylinder heads, the differences being in supercharging and engine revolutions per minute.
He backed the throttle until the engine revolutions stood at 75 percent of full power.
The engineer would ensure that the correct combination of steam pressure and engine revolutions were applied.