These four programs are mutually supportive, and encourage utilization of all statutes within CI's jurisdiction, the grand jury process, and enforcement techniques to combat tax, money laundering and currency crime violations.
Insofar as it commits resources for tenant security and commends lawful enforcement techniques, it can set a strong example.
It has been argued that, although the monitoring system can be viewed as an improvement in water regulation, no enforcement techniques are in place to punish those with low-quality GQA results.
A car-free Manhattan is a pipe dream, but better traffic flow is well within reach of existing laws and enforcement techniques.
Such sweeps are a routine enforcement technique, and on many nights result in 30 to 35 arrests.
Another point to remember is that the F.B.I. identified more than 100 suspects, and gathered sufficient information to warrant raids, using existing laws and enforcement techniques.
The organization offers a large database of topics relating to illegal street racing including; accidents, statistics, legislation, enforcement techniques, photo galleries, and general news.
It will also create a network to share enforcement techniques.
We don't expect the U.N. resolution to spell out enforcement techniques.
New Jersey officials already use many of the enforcement techniques in the national law, but 78 percent of child-support orders go uncollected.