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This is seen by the fact that they are strictly endogamous.
They were largely endogamous, marrying within their community until 1900.
The community are endogamous, and marry within a close kin group.
Both these groups and endogamous, with the former considering itself superior over the other.
Each of these groups is endogamous, and do not intermarry.
They are an endogamous community, only rarely marrying out of their group.
Of these groups the first two intermarry, while all the rest are endogamous.
They are generally endogamous and marry within their own tribe.
The rate of endogamous marriage, for example, is less than two thirds.
Both these groups intermarry, but the community as a whole is endogamous.
Historically these three groups were strictly endogamous, but this is no longer the case.
They are strictly endogamous, but have so system of clans.
They are an endogamous community, and each clan is exogamous.
They are an endogamous community, with all three sub-communities marrying each other.
Both these groups are strictly endogamous, and there is no intermarriage between them.
Over time their descendents have formed a distinct endogamous community.
They are strictly endogamous, and tend to marry close kin.
They are strictly endogamous, and do not marry with other Shaikh groups.
The caste system in India is based on an order of (predominantly) endogamous groups.
However, they in common with most castes are endogamous.
These groups were largely endogamous, exclusionary and with limited mobility.
They are strictly endogamous, and marry within the community.
They are an endogamous community, and marriages between the clans is the norm.
And finally, there are a number of endogamous castes.
Moieties were endogamous, and children took the moiety of their mother.