The centuries of that stupid, pointless, endless warfare between Greek and Persian which had gone on too long already.
His associated artifacts were the Blades of Time, which allowed passage into a pocket universe into which he withdrew, growing tired of the endless warfare among his brothers.
Theirs is a culture of endless warfare against an enemy that comprises everyone and everything.
We are exhausted from this endless warfare.
These Cogitors offer us a chance to stop the endless warfare.
And they have a culture shaped and molded by a long, long tradition of endless warfare.
First, I can't allow you to keep me on if it means endless warfare with Hasslebrook and his committee.
If the summer with Richard in their mountain home had been a wonderful dream, then the summer of endless warfare had been a nightmare.
But the saga of slain heroes, endless warfare, and titanic sea battles could not hold her attention.
The notion of a Common Peace was an attempt to resolve the seemingly endless warfare that plagued Greece in the late 5th and early 4th centuries BC.