Such document I enclose herewith, entreating only that you guard it as carefully as its contents merit.
I am herewith enclosing a cashier's check in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) along with a letter which Mrs. Trescott asked me to mail with the cashier's check.
For your perusal, we are enclosing herewith copies of ninety-seven recent engine patents, as selected by our staff from thousands.
It occurs to me that you may require some few necessities to make yourself additionally presentable for this important meeting, so I enclose herewith three dollars, which you need not repay me.
I intended to have sent my last by Capt. Scott, but having failed in that design, I herewith enclose it.
But I found nothing more symbolic, yet so immediately practical, than this affidavit submitted to a bank in 1917 in order to verify a change in his signature: "I enclose herewith the affidavit that you wish.
In the meantime I enclose herewith a small supply of a leaflet prepared by the Finance Department which may enable you to answer questions which will inevitably arise at your surgeries.
I enclose herewith a copy of Management Service Unit's proposed staffing structure for Council Tax together with draft Job Descriptions for your interest.
I enclose herewith a copy of this discussion document for your consideration.
"We enclosed herewith lists containing an inventory of the names of the criminals who received the People's Judgment . . . together with a summary of each crime and the date each was executed."