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For this reason, Locke is often called the father of modern empiricism.
Empiricism claims that at least some knowledge is only a matter of observation.
Consider, say, the tradition of British empiricism which developed at the same time.
In fact, he was already practicing empiricism at the keyboard.
But there are other expressions of empiricism, as we shall see.
Scientific thinking and empiricism remained the core of his world view.
"There's a great deal of empiricism and blind luck in this business."
In philosophy, empiricism is a theory which believes that all knowledge comes from experience.
This point of view is associated with synthetic philosophy and empiricism.
It is not part of Locke's empiricism that we know these things by observation and experience.
This distinction can help us to give the best version of logical empiricism.
But there is something paradoxical in the idea of radical empiricism itself.
Community psychology grounds all advocacy and social justice action in empiricism.
On the contrary, pure empiricism seems to empty them of all their power and influence.
Another special feature of his approach to science was the difficult balance he always maintained between theory and empiricism.
I told Bill he was unduly tied to cop empiricism.
The three ladies need to achieve a balance between their personalities and parents' empiricism.
Empiricism holds that the senses are the primary source of knowledge about the world.
They remain constant, however, in their rejection of abstract empiricism.
The account leaves room for doubt regarding the nature and extent of his empiricism.
His philosophical method in argument is known as rational empiricism.
He believed that empiricism is the only adequate philosophy for experimental science.
In historical philosophy, the debate has been between rationalism and empiricism.
Berkeley's approach to empiricism would later come to be called subjective idealism.
Today empiricism should therefore be understood as one among competing ideals of getting knowledge or how to do studies.