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This is important in electron capture decay, as it can affect the results of any x-ray gated spectra if the internal conversion is strong.
Synthetic isotopes heavier than 191 decay by β decay, although Ir also has a minor electron capture decay path.
All of niobium's isomers decay by isomeric transition or beta decay except Nb, which has a minor electron capture decay chain.
The electron capture decay of the Co forms an excited state of the Fe nucleus, which in turn decays to the ground state with emission of a gamma ray.
A few lighter particles may be created or destroyed (example: beta minus and beta plus decay, or electron capture decay), but these minor processes are not important to the immediate energy release in fission and fusion.
I is created by the electron capture decay of Xe, which is a synthetic isotope of xenon, itself created by neutron capture of the slightly radioactive Xe, which occurs naturally with an abundance of around 0.1%.