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We do have electric bells, but few people know that.
Electric bells were provided so that he could be summoned.
It incorporated a musical part written for electric bells, still new technology at the time.
Electric bells and speaking-tubes afforded communication with the lower stories.
The first commercial electric bells were used for railway signalling, between signal boxes.
There were also electric bells to summon a steward.
It included acetylene gas, electric bells throughout and hot and cold water laid on.
Warnings, whistles and shouts and electric bells, sounded all around the ship.
Electric bells, but they don't ring.
The following year the company acquired its first factory in Salford where telephones, electric bells, ceiling roses and switches were manufactured.
Electric bells, like the elevator bells.
The latter because his uncle earned a tidy sum installing electric bells in these "abodes of pastime."
It is also used in many other devices, including electric bells, tape recorders, circuit breakers, and scientific instruments called particle accelerators.
He slid the window up smoothly and quietly, and was greeted by a welcoming absence of flashing lights and electric bells.
The songs feature an unorthodox range in instruments, such as electric bells, xylophones and synthesisers, some of which were designed and built by the band.
All of the trams had a conductor, which communicated with the driver with electric bells and pulling of a rope.
The first task on arrival was, however, to instal electric bells in the Hotel Acropolis - a task considered to be anti-climactic.
Each school room contained desks for 45 students, and was equipped with countersunk ink wells, black boards, closets, and electric bells.
Almost immediately, electric bells are ringing throughout the fortress, and the only clear advantage is that this fills in a lot of echo data on Bruno's map.
Among these, player pianos, airplane propellers, and electric bells stand prominently onstage, moving as machines do, and providing the visual side of the ballet.
Electric bells are typically designed to operate on low voltages of from 10 to 24 V AC or DC.
The company also produced fire alarm systems, electric bells, transformers, telephones, signalling and recording equipment, and electrical parts for aircraft communications and radar equipment.
The use of electric bells is forbidden in the Orthodox Church, because it is a sacred function, and may only be performed by a member of the church.
Also in 1924, George Antheil created a work titled Ballet Mécanique with instrumentation that included 16 pianos, 3 airplane propellers, and 7 electric bells.
"My secret defenses remain to be mentioned," he resumed; and, opening a cupboard, he pointed to a row of batteries, with a number of electric bells upon the wall behind.