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National Labour had collected £20,000 in total for election expenses.
Election expenses are limited by statute and have been since 1883.
Sections 72 to 90 control the total election expenses that can be spent on behalf of a candidate.
The Liberals quickly recouped their election expenses once they were in government.
His agent was later fined for not filing an election expenses report.
Erm, so there should be a limitation of election expenses.
Politicians had received money to finance their election expenses and to run or bribe newspapers.
In 2004, however, the law was changed so that the limit on election expenses begins only once an election has been called.
He declined to seek re-election to Parliament in 1768, unless the government paid all his election expenses.
At the same time the practice of paying or entertaining voters was outlawed, and election expenses fell dramatically.
None were elected, and none received their election expenses.
In 1885 the seat was further enlarged and given further election expenses rights as a county constituency.
Following his primary victory, Huey pledged to spend $800,000 toward his general election expenses.
On 15 July 2010, a Channel 4 News investigation raised questions over his election expenses.
Goldsmith was held to account by Channel 4 news over allegations that he'd fiddled his election expenses.
The election was held under the Election Expenses Act of 1974.
The Trade offered to pay his election expenses, and rose to expenses plus eight hundred pounds, but then they found cheaper support.
This is also the threshold that candidates' votes must exceed to claim an election expenses allowance from the State.
The 1995 expenditures are taken from an official listing of election expenses published by Elections Ontario.
Early rallies saw huge crowds, with attendees handing Whitlam money to pay election expenses.
It criminalised attempts to bribe voters and standardised the amount that could be spent on election expenses.
Expenditures refer only to candidate election expenses.
The decision means that the Conservatives may not use local expenses as a means of reducing their 2006 election expenses.
He did not visit the Yukon Territory during the campaign and incurred no election expenses other than his deposit.
He was convicted in July 1881 of bribery and of making a false return of election expenses.