The student groups BYU Recycles, Eco-Response, and BYU Earth educate students, faculty, staff, and administrators about how the campus can decrease its environmental impact.
In the aftermath of the study, the association is holding seminars to educate administrators of theological schools in planning and finance.
Librarians also educate faculty, administrators, and others about the benefits of open access.
We also have to educate local administrators so they will be more diligent earlier in the season.
Another approach to handling inter-disciplinarity is to educate agricultural engineers and administrators into the way of being sympathetic at least to these social factors.
This inter-war model of English studies was "too" literary "to justify its central position in modern Arts studies", or to educate teachers and administrators for "a changing society".
He hopes to educate coaches, administrators and students to the physical and emotional damage that bingers inflict on others.
Educate caregivers, administrators, and the general public about the needs of children under stress.
Again, Law and Order Magazine was there educating administrators on new tools and techniques to combat a problem that had not existed 20 years prior.
In 2006 the National Student Genderblind Campaign was created as a collaborative grassroots organization intended to educate college students, administrators, and others throughout the United States.