It begins with America in chaos - politically isolated, economically ruined and wracked by anarchy.
When peace was established in 1648, the country was economically ruined and half the population had died dut to fighting, disease or famine.
While some went underground to escape imminent arrest, more generally people fled as they abandoned hope for surviving after being economically ruined and risking detention or worse.
As a result, after the war concluded in 1870, Paraguay found itself demographically as well as economically ruined.
Farside, economically ruined by its effort, fell before the counterattack.
When she took over the regency in 1763, the country was financially and economically ruined.
Zaire, with some of the world's largest deposits of diamonds, copper and other resources, is economically ruined.
Srebrenica, a long town that stretches up a mountain valley, is bullet-scarred and economically ruined.
He came into office when the city had been ruined economically and spiritually by 9/11 and brought it back from the brink.
Faced with the risk of being economically ruined, Boston merchants agreed to generally end the non-importation and effectively defeated Samuel Adams' cause in Massachusetts.