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He said conditions for an increase to 600,000 include the nation's economic capacity and population growth.
Economic capacities are far lower than the average for the country as a whole.
America is not fulfilling its economic capacity, human or industrial.
Some think that the students are gaining benefits from small shops but they actually should have economic capacities.
During the 1780s, two institutions were established in order to enhance the economic capacity of the Philippines.
Increasing the nation's economic capacity is a long-term process.
They also failed to see that the recession had caused a permanent loss of economic capacity.
That would speed growth and create the economic capacity now to pay for the looming retirement burden.
But some of those who are critical of the policy question the economic capacity in the territories.
Thirdly, the Levels were clearly of great use to people with a limited technological and economic capacity.
Depletion of environmental resources affects economic capacity, which comes to affect politics.
The United States has the economic capacity to provide its citizens with a high, and increasing, standard of living.
She said it calls for "drastic reduction of the army, to a level compatible with our economic capacity."
Excess economic capacity can drive down business costs, attracting new companies and making the products of established ones more competitive.
The principle of legal equality imposes the duty to tax according to economic capacity.
Member governments should really be assessed in accordance with their real world economic capacity."
In many countries, this influx of technology had increased the overall economic capacity of the country.
The servicing of perceived strategic needs is outrunning economic capacity.
With an aging population and a slowly growing workforce, increasing the nation's future economic capacity is critical to ensuring retirement security in the 21st century.
It uses critical mass, economic capacity and military capacity.
Governor Musgrove recognized the importance of building economic capacity through an educated workforce.
In 1818, before the growth of the town, they felt the need for a larger temple with its population size and economic capacity of the moment.
Moreover, the economic capacity that must be shifted to exports or to import-replacing production is larger than generally recognized.
The spouses are obligated to contribute toward satisfying the needs of faculties and economic capacities.
The number of religious varied according to the economic capacity of each institution and was in some cases predetermined by the founders.