The finished design can be quickly and easily exported to or to several popular CMS like Joomla!
Home-brew coding software can be easily exported by electronic rumrunners on computer disks or instantly sent over electronic networks to any city in the world.
In fact, isn't that the whole reason they made Mr Bean a non-talking character, so it could be easily exported?
He was voiced by Carlo Bonomi in a mock version of Milanese that resembled gibberish as much as possible, giving the cartoon the possibility to be easily exported without dubbing.
A major factor in the development of Highland was the railroad, which allowed lumber to be transported cheaply, and allowed pickles from the township's early factories to be exported easily.
Results of any form could be exported easily to text files or to spreadsheets programs.
The problem is that we are a retailer, and our skills may not be easily exported.
The port on the Rhone allowed wine produced in Roquemaure and the surrounding villages to be easily exported.
Data can be easily exported to and imported from MATLAB and Excel.
Despite a cosmopolitan appeal, Peruvian cuisine has not been easily exported.