At 5:04 pm on October 17, 1989, a major earthquake rumbled through the San Francisco Bay Area.
A small earthquake rumbled through the city early yesterday morning, inflicting little damage but further fraying the nerves of an already high-strung citizenry.
Last month a moderately powerful earthquake, registering 5.3, rumbled across the city.
More than 1,200 earthquakes have rumbled Yellowstone National Park this year, up from 800 last year and 179 the year before.
A psychic earthquake was rumbling, and I was right at the epicenter.
Two minor earthquakes rumbled through Los Angeles during the discussion.
Here the Admiral's fires began to wax hot, the atmosphere thickened, the coming earthquake rumbled, he began to thunder and lighten.
Through a pitiless fluke of nature, the earthquake rumbled practically under that line.
So, the strongest earthquake in the recorded history of Oklahoma rumbled throughout the Midwest on Saturday night.
A devastating earthquake rumbled across eastern India and Nepal before dawn Sunday, killing more than 700 people.