Some earthly beings can sense their presence, the children most keenly, but none really see or hear them as they perform their duties.
Heart: I am indeed the most wretched of all earthly beings. . . . " But it was the head that won out.
Creation took eight days", the implication being that man was created only on the 6th day and a higher earthly being was created on the 8th.
The Sun and Moon together are supposed to exert the most direct influence on the lives of earthly beings.
I had heard a shriek apparently made by no earthly being.
Then a low, terrible laugh came from The Shadow, a sound which a stranger would have sworn could have been made by no earthly being.
In its essence, Kimiā represents a complete conception of the universe and relations between earthly beings and the cosmos.
We are earthly beings, yes, but a small component of us is magical, and why does that component demand blood?
He even depicted himself laughing, rather than in a distinguished pose, as if making an allusion to the vanity of earthly beings.
Heaven is a religious or metaphysical term for the place where deities originate, and where earthly beings may experience an afterlife.