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Ear protection may prevent the hearing loss from getting worse.
The injury caused him to wear ear protection for the next couple months.
It is important to wear ear protection even with a suppressor.
My men have to wear ear protection in here.
If not, eye and ear protection should be worn.
Eye and ear protection can be supplied if necessary.
"It gives you a hell of a headache without ear protection, though," he shouted.
Remember to wear safety gear; this includes goggles and ear protection.
Safety glasses and ear protection should be worn at all times when using a router.
The men wore ear protection to offset the noise of the propeller.
"You really ought to wear ear protection if you're going to be using those big cannons.
Eye and ear protection are required to safely use dry ice cleaning equipment.
Ear protection Compared to other power tools, a lathe is a quiet machine.
Gas blowers are noisiest and you should wear ear protection.
"No, really, guns will damage your hearing if you don't wear ear protection."
"Good," she said, and adjusted her own ear protection.
In the absence of strong evidence, general opinion has been against the use of ear protection devices.
David donned his ear protection again, then the goggles.
They all had ear protection, lest the noise in the room land them in a psychiatric hospital.
On the job, use special ear protection.
This one is good because it offers ear protection and has a built-in suspension system to absorb the blow.
Most ranges and clubs require eye and ear protection.
Eye and ear protection is recommended for such exposure to avoid eye damage or hearing loss.
Also they offer no ear protection.
Before starting again, he donned ear protection.