Manhattan About 84 percent of the homes have access, according to state figures.
There are no state figures on the cost or type of weddings.
New Jersey is expected to add 60,000 to 65,000 more jobs by year's end, according to state figures.
According to state figures, there is reason to feel encouraged.
By 1995, another 17,372 secretaries will be needed, according to the state figures.
One-third of Newark's children still grow up in poor families, according to state figures.
The number of overnight trips rose 10 percent to 43.8 million, according to state figures.
Real estate investment by the Japanese plunged from a high of $2.3 billion in 1991 to $633 million the next year, according to state figures.
Last year, tourists spent about $2.1 billion in Connecticut, according to state figures.
The state figures are also higher than the 4.5 percent national unemployment rate for May, the study found.