Everyone saw what happened, only one was able to act on it.
Instead, each local association was to act on its own.
However, there were cases where I could act on personal knowledge.
Whatever happened now I had to give him time to act on it.
It is not known when he will act on them.
Congress has been moving quickly to act on the plan.
Then give them the chance to act on their ideas.
Now, they said, he could be free to act on his own.
He will have to act on the choice before him.
In the long run we expect Congress to act on both these issues.
Will she act upon either of these to find her true love?
She could feel such things and never act upon them.
I knew it too, but could never quite find in my heart to act upon the knowledge.
Why give us knowledge if we are not to act upon it?
It will act upon the right one of the two?
It's important to know what has been done to us and act upon it so we can make our own future.
And the chance had long ago passed to act upon it.
Maybe this was the moment that he would act upon it.
This vision was important enough to the woman to cause her to act upon it.
Whatever he had drunk was beginning to act upon him.