He is usually represented by holding a large knife and his skin.
Going to the kitchen area of the house, the old man picked up a large knife and brought it back to his bed.
A large folding knife was found in the car, he said.
In his other hand, he carried a large, curved knife.
In one hand, the boy held a large curved knife, and he was smiling.
A weeping woman stuck a large knife in his hands and said, "Can you cut them down?"
She takes out a large knife and cuts various parts of her body.
As if by magic two items had appeared in his hands - a large key and a very much larger knife.
A few days later, a large knife was found near the dormitory.
The figure on the right holds a large knife which is at the center figure's neck.
Otherwise why would he take a big knife with him, right?
Wanted to give me his big knife, but I wouldn't take it.
She helped herself to a roll and sliced it with the big knife.
He thought of the man with the big knife in his workshop.
Maybe it was his big knife that kept the peace.
But why would he need the big knife for that?
The guy had a big bloody knife in his hand, and he was coming right toward me.
He held the big knife that went down along my spine up to the light.
"Because he's most likely the one who has the big knife now."
She still held the big knife, though no longer in a death grip.