On the far side of the dry gulch, a forest begins.
But Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum, Democrat of Ohio, said: "I think the mainstream group is becoming a dry gulch.
If all the projects proposed for the Platte were approved, biologists say, the river would be a dry gulch.
The ealixes moved carefully over and around loose rocks scattered along the trail by occasional slides from the walls of the dry gulch.
Arroyo: A deep gully cut by a stream that flows only part of the year; a dry gulch.
But the school asked the city to create a body of water (by flooding a dry gulch) on which the team could practice.
"That dry gulch is a sack waiting to close around us."
Down went that tiny figure into the rocky bed of the dry gulch, the cloak dangling from its shoulder like a kite-tail.
She was moving to the right, toward a dry gulch with a flat floor, all stone and sand.
Until a band of Arab brigands waylaid him down a dry gulch and filched all his gifts, his bags of money, his exquisite small horses.