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At that, one of them woke from his drowse with interest.
I wanted to sink in against his body, be held, and drowse.
Relaxing, he slipped into a light drowse, waiting for the boy to make the next move.
The medic came out of her drowse to assist him.
He slipped into a light drowse, then snapped awake again.
Then, shaking himself from his pretended drowse, he came over and joined the others.
Insects murmured undisturbed in the full drowse of summer day.
Jake had fallen into a drowse and didn't even know the man was there.
His own groans wakened him from the drowse brought on by pain.
Owen woke at dawn from a light drowse that had taken most of the night to achieve.
Prudent just to lie there and catch the few extra moments of drowse she could.
She fell into a drowse; then suddenly, awakened to view her surroundings in surprise.
In a half drowse, the boy felt himself lifted from the cart and carried up a flight of stairs.
Thinking that Herb had gone into a drowse, Chet went his way.
The noise of the train plunging into a long, dark tunnel startled him from his drowse.
A bullock, surprised by joy, or its prospect, has started from his grassy drowse.
Besides, upon the present occasion, the drowse from his sleep still hung upon him.
The man from hell ground felt a drowse come upon him, and he fought with every last bottom gut he had.
Grandma got worse after that, almost never leaving her bed, sinking into a drowse of old age and weariness.
After a time she fell into an uneasy drowse, waking when the sky was crimson with sunset.
Er Thom wondered, as the drowse began to thin.
Lawyer Ware had fallen into-a drowse, his mouth hanging open.
Proudly, the old judge walked to the door of the room; turned to survey The Shadow, who was deep in a drowse.
Within moments, she slipped into a drowse.
He was altogether comfortable, and, despite the excitement of the night's events, he soon drifted into a half drowse.