Mundy spent much of his early life as a "confidence trickster" and petty criminal.
Among the group were petty criminals who had already been in jail as long as four years.
And besides, if people have the character and the discipline to remain married, they are unlikely to be petty criminals.
As Guard Finn puts it, the rest of us are petty criminals.
Those were not petty criminals she was up against.
As for Hoot Moon and his sort, they were petty criminals in comparison.
Before they met me, Steve and Paul were just petty criminals, didn't know nothing about nothing.
Even those who had their cases dismissed, he said, "were branded with the accusation of being a deviant or petty criminal."
They were mainly petty criminals, who had to choose between working in the king's navy or imprisonment.
Many are petty criminals given an option of rough justice or enlistment.