Blanket, towel - (also known as a draw sheet) - large reusable piece of cloth, most often used at night, placed between legs to absorb menstrual flow.
After delivery, the draw sheet may be removed without disturbing the mother, who will thus be assured a clean, dry, and comfortable bed.
The draw sheet said that Garrison had advanced to a semifinal and had put Evert behind her.
The draw sheet may or may not be tucked into the sides of the bed.
When a draw sheet is used to move patients, it is sometimes known as a lift sheet.
If a folded sheet is used as a draw sheet, the folded edge of the sheet is positioned at the person's upper body.
What will look like a straightforward 7-6 (7), 7-5, 6-2 victory on the draw sheet was hardly that.
This year, no one needed to cheat on the office pool by getting a hoops-savvy spouse or buddy to fill out the draw sheet.
Since the part of the bed where the hips rest will be most exposed to soiling, the protection of this area is usually reinforced by a "draw sheet."
But Maclagan is 18 years old and he needs to win some matches, accumulate some touring pro points, write his name on draw sheets that matter.