There was also high drama of a more personal sort.
The high drama of such an action would certainly help him do it.
But the high drama of the day still lay ahead.
The moment of highest drama comes after two and half minutes.
There was no high drama; in fact, not a lot happened.
The trial is expected to have high drama for several reasons.
Except for all this high drama, it's a really nice day.
But those who came seeking high drama found little of it today.
Their lives and loves provided high drama for many years.
Any high drama that remains is found deep in technical working party country.
Emily paused for a dramatic moment and looked around at the group.
I always thought that this the most dramatic moment of my life would be somehow not heard.
Actually, the most dramatic moments of the show involved television, not films.
By then, the dramatic moment, the tension, may have passed.
"But instead of these big dramatic moments, you could actually see science happening."
Why did I never use the camera at these dramatic moments?
"But the most dramatic moment of my career took place in that bunker on 18 right here."
It was one of the most dramatic moments in my life.
"It will be a dramatic moment in international legal history."
The reunion between the two brothers who hadn't seen each other for 20 years was a really dramatic moment.