In a drab suburb of this prosperous city stands a squat red-brick building that might pass for a high school.
The headquarters bears the remains of earlier campaigns - pamphlets for more equitable distribution of public housing, for better transportation to and from the drab suburbs filled with immigrants.
The place proved to be a drab suburb of a New Jersey manufacturing city.
The view surprised me; I'd somehow expected all of Libya to be a huge hot sandbox with towns resembling some drab suburb of Warsaw.
He has cut operating costs by moving the bank's headquarters from central Taipei to a drab suburb.
And his suburb, however drab and uniform it may look, is not a wasteland but, at least for its young inhabitants, a fertile playground.
The Pont Vieux led straight into the Quartier de la Trivalle, which had been transformed from a drab suburb into the gateway to the medieval Cite.
Could I, without too much resentment, leave the peace and beauty of Vermont for a drab suburb?
Then she travelled down by train to Blackheath through the drab suburbs of New Cross and Lewisham.