From 2008 Parachute organisers have stopped producing the CDs, instead moving in favour of downloadable media posted on their website.
The library system contains over 1.5 million adult and children's classics, favorite paperbacks, modern bestsellers, downloadable media, CDs and DVDs.
Amp'd allows easy access to downloadable media and games.
The release of their version of the song as free downloadable media prompted a "surprisingly favourable" response from The Edge.
Content Reserve serves as a digital repository for publishers to distribute downloadable media through OverDrive's retail and library channels.
But the whole DRM thing on downloadable media is a huge pain, and it's reducing the value of their proposition.
The next stage extended this model to downloadable media, video streaming files and whole site delivery.
The MAX Media Player allows videos and other downloadable media to be played on a GameCube.
Each offers public access computers, adult and children's programming and meeting rooms in addition to books, downloadable media, DVDs, magazines and newspapers.
The idea dovetails with the suddenly voracious appetite for downloadable media among online consumers and the long success the fitness industry has enjoyed in selling home video products like workout tapes.