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If it could remake Bloom into a donnish conservative, why should his students settle for less?
Even the famous "donnish dominion" of senior professors had been eroded.
He treats them with donnish puzzlement rather than aggression.
The film took a firm course through its vast subject, avoiding the rocks of donnish rancour.
The eyes saw more than they let on, and his donnish volubility could be an effective means of distraction or camouflage.
The donnish performer expressed his joy at being back in New York, where he first performed 36 years ago.
He has become now almost the leading Character in a little donnish world of much too intensely appreciated Characters.
Professor Whinglass took off his glasses and put them away with donnish precision.
He speaks with an easy grace, with the mannerisms of a donnish poet.
If Moynihan is considered a donnish blowhard, it's not easy to find anyone who will say so.
Interview George is dignified, donnish and chain smokes.
He heard a donnish querulousness in his tones and subdued it with a not too proper gruffness.
Furthermore, no donnish exegesis was required to unravel the meanings of his fiction: it spoke for itself.
I lived and breathed and had my being as a law-abiding, quiet, donnish individual of thirty-eight.
Decline of donnish dominion: the British academic professions in the twentieth century (1992)
She wears a pair of donnish spectacles and her hair - cropped short - is wilfully unkempt.
But music-making of this sort has traditionally proceeded in the modern era in slightly donnish obscurity.
The Times reported that Andropov's "intense gaze and donnish demeanor gave him the air of a scholar."
There was nothing of 'the ivory tower', nothing 'donnish', about Lewis's intelligence.
But when the two men approached them for permission to adapt the great novelist's "Maurice" for the screen, all was donnish consternation and dismay.
His manner to them was donnish and elaborately polite, but the content of his conversation was derisive insult.
- gives the stories an air of oppressiveness that is quite at odds with the dusty donnish patter of their delivery.
He had a donnish love of savage controversy, and seems to have quarrelled with most of his friends and acquaintances sooner or later.
Mr. Hamilton's prose is serviceable, journalistic; the donnish one-liner is the rhetorical touch he favors.
If she means to admonish she'll tell you you're donnish, sophomoric, rebuttable, simplistic, apocalyptic, pedantic!