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Let 'Domiciliary visits,' with rigour of authority, be made to this end.
Hence domiciliary visits by medical staff are an integral part of any specialist service.
For the elderly patients, however, psychiatrists were much more likely to make domiciliary visits, and to take a lead in service planning.
Last year only voluntary Welfare Officer alone, made over 102 domiciliary visits.
"I am sure that we shall get a domiciliary visit presently," continued Pere Lenegre, after a slight pause.
These unfortunates, who numbered a large proportion of the population, were subject to domiciliary visits, and to arbitrary perquisitions, arrest and expulsion.
In the weeks which followed, several domiciliary visits were paid, not a shack or tent in Nome escaping, but Fortune lay in his cranny undisturbed.
Any time spent with day hospital patients, on domiciliary visits, or work related to patients living at home, or acute or assessment patients, would need to be excluded.
Many times I'm called up by a local doctor and asked to do what is called a DV - a domiciliary visit to assess the mental state of an individual.
The health visitors at the clinics and on domiciliary visits offer advice and help on many aspects of child-rearing and can refer children for further specialized attention where necessary.
De Batz and the two friends who were with him now had spent the night talking and scheming in a tavern on the Boulevard and thus escaped this domiciliary visit.
The domiciliary visits which took place twice a week, and, by special subsequent resolution passed in full Court, on the Sabbath also, were, to begin with, the subject of much covert bitterness.
The sergeant, after this covert threat, thought it best, apparently, to keep his tongue, whilst Rouget continued, in the same aggressive, peremptory tone: "Get on with your domiciliary visits at once.
A list of "opponents of the Revolution" was drawn up, the gates to the city were sealed, and on 28 August the citizens were subjected to domiciliary visits, ostensibly in a search for muskets.
Revolutionary Committee, of Twelve chosen Patriots, sits in every Township of France; examining the Suspect, seeking arms, making domiciliary visits and arrestments;--caring, generally, that the Republic suffer no detriment.
I prefer to see, every three or four years, half a dozen people getting their throats cut in the Ratcliffe Road, than to have to submit to domiciliary visits, to spying, and to all the machinations of Fouche."
"For the present, begone, M. de Bragelonne, for Madame de Saint-Remy is not over indulgent; and any indiscretion on her part might bring hither a domiciliary visit, which would be disagreeable to all parties."
The message warned Monsieur St. Luc that a domiciliary visit at Mon Abris could be expected at about four o'clock; that the arrest of the entire household, on suspicion of conspiracy, had already been decided.
Ely was hooted as a traitor in the streets of Douay, and the members of his community and of the English college were subjected to frequent domiciliary visits; which satisfied the municipal authorities but not the populace.
A large number of pornographic videos, DVDs and images about voyeurism were discovered in Uekusa's house and his white BMW E36 of AC Schnitzer specifications in a domiciliary visit by the police.
We must bear in mind that Oberstein has gone to the Continent to dispose of his booty, but not with any idea of flight; for he had no reason to fear a warrant, and the idea of an amateur domiciliary visit would certainly never occur to him.
This sudden desire on the part of the household to leave Paris would certainly cause all their names to be placed upon the list of the "Suspect"; which meant that a domiciliary visit, a perquisition, and consequent arrest on some kind of trumped-up charge could now be considered imminent.
Secondly, this is not a comparative evaluation of different models of service, since the standardised diagnostic assessment carried out in this study by the research psychiatrist is not the same process of assessment that occurs in domiciliary visits performed by psychogeriatricians in more traditional services.
In Ipswich the situation was more complex: as can be seen from Table 3.2, as many as half the clients referred to the project actually received no service; 19 of the 27 were in hospital at referral, usually having been admitted to the psychiatric hospital following their referral and domiciliary visit by the psychogeriatrician.
Work has concentrated on the margin between hospital and community assessment and treatment with consultants making domiciliary visits, between NHS and local authority social services in particular, which is affected by the use of Joint Finance funds, and between primary (especially general practitioner) care and the hospital system.