Those sessions cost a decent chunk of the family's weekly income.
For a couple with two children the weekly income falls from £612 in 2002 to £606 in 2015.
It is intended to provide a regular weekly income if you do not have enough money to live on.
Each property is assigned a credit value based on its potential weekly rental income.
However, it is necessary to do some additional events to supplement the weekly income of this facility.
This will push his weekly income to around £3,000 - an increase of more than £2,000.
The median weekly individual income for people aged 15 years and over in the 2001 Census was $300-$399.
The higher a teenager's weekly income, the more likely he/she will buy alcohol from a store, bar or restaurant.
With tips, he said, his average weekly income was $180, or about $2.50 an hour.
The total Australian population had a median individual weekly income of $466.