Other differences can easily be traced back to borrowing.
Moreover, they said the budget would be even harder to balance next year, when the state cannot resort to borrowing.
But lower taxes and a prudent approach to borrowing do not mean public spending fall; quite the reverse.
Then the Commons have no powers in relation to borrowing.
By the 1950s this had led to large governmental deficits and excessive foreign borrowing.
Having a strong balance sheet helped when it came to borrowing.
Because the country has taken a conservative approach to foreign borrowing, its deficits and debts are modest.
The money would be used to ease debt payments, thus giving the countries easier access to private borrowing.
But some words are more resistant to borrowing than others, that means they hare less subject to change over time.
The same is also true for small and medium-sized enterprises, which are forced to resort to borrowing.