But why not lay the power lines under the ground or on the sea floor?
In general, deep hot rock is thought to cause the sea floor to crack.
It does not move around as an adult but lives on the sea floor.
The sea floor will rise, millions of years from now.
Scientific surveys and studies of the sea floor began soon after.
We will open a container and put one of the weapons onto the sea floor.
It most likely spent its time crawling over or just above the sea floor.
But he now stared over the side as if it were possible to see the hidden sea floor.
The tallest stood almost two feet above the sea floor.
Blind for a moment, he rolled across the sea floor.
It was returned to the sea bed on the next dive.
Three weeks later, the plane was located on the sea bed.
It came from the place where our lead had found that hole in the bottom of the sea bed.
"An old sea bed," he said in an almost normal voice.
They are found in open water and on the sea bed.
How could she feel the sea bed below her, and know what lay concealed there?
But still we weren't through to the sea bed, though there was plenty of water about.
We must be very close to the sea bed now.
Here you can see the side of the ship crushed against the sea bed.
It is possible to walk across the sea bed of that time, 400 million years ago.
Nearly all were sent to the bottom of the sea by the war's end.
We might have been alone together at the bottom of the sea.
They might have been on the bottom of the sea.
"What would happen if you sent them into the bottom of the sea?"
Then I'm going down to the bottom of the sea!
Both will be sent down to about 20 feet from the bottom of the sea.
They had found the rock at the bottom of the sea.
For this was a city on the bottom of the sea.
He built his base at the bottom of the sea.
It was like being at the bottom of the sea.