The whole idea is to include everyone in the fun.
People who were there said it was all in good fun.
His son Paul is here with him, ready to join in the fun.
Why had he not gone outside to join in the fun?
Sometimes us boys is allowed to join in the fun at the end.
Or they get wrapped up in the fun of the game.
Only the white guys can take it "all in fun".
"But if they did carry you across the room, it must have been only in fun?"
Saturday, the 11-year old girl who lives across the street decided to join in the fun.
And we welcome anyone else who wants to join in the fun.
She's always ready for a joke, no matter how serious the situation.
Later she learned that he had been stood up for a joke.
If she did, it would be no cause for a joke.
But it seemed like the wrong moment for a joke.
Mind you, she may have done it for a joke.
"How do you like that for a joke in a foreign language?"
I care much for jokes but not in the form of address.
On no account use It again, not even for a joke.
That sign over the door wasn't there for a joke.
Two boys were walking up to the sign for a joke.
She seems to be involved in everything possible, and almost never has time for fun.
"Hard to think of people going up against those things for fun."
How often do you read for fun on your own time?
You cannot take anyone back to your room for fun.
But not all students are looking for fun in the sun.
I thought you just wanted me to get up for fun.
Play for fun, but education has to be your number one.
You see people over 60 and they still run for fun.
You and the girl's mother are along for the fun.
I hope we are not too late for the fun.