Jack Ryan, a Senate candidate, lost his battle to keep his divorce records sealed.
Additional copies of the same divorce record, when requested at the same time, are $10.00 each.
Remarks: Reports of divorce records on file since July 1948.
In the divorce record there's mention by the wife that there was a loss of consortium.
You also have to sniff around, maybe look up divorce records.
And he knew, from divorce records, that Joseph's wife at the time, Dora, was a very unhappy spouse.
For instance, some newspapers rarely publish divorce records or the names of men arrested for prostitution.
Give the following facts when writing for divorce records:
Divorce followed quickly, though no charges were filed, and the couple's 1957 divorce record does not allude to the allegation.
The lack of divorce records often led to some confusion with the numerous marriages and divorces going on.