That division reported a total loss of $257.1 million.
In these roles, all divisions of the company reported to Schroeder.
Before the rule, the division reported an average of one amnesty request a year.
The division reported revenues of about $100 million in 1987.
The division reported an overall sales decline of 23.7 percent for its five models.
The division reports a 50 percent decline in alcohol-related deaths from 1989 to 1993.
The European division reported a $345 million loss for the quarter on $8.2 billion in revenues.
For the year, the division reported losses of $742 million, more than three times the losses it had in 2003.
By making its assumptions more optimistic, the division could report higher profits.
While the firm's major divisions will report to him, several division heads also sit on the firm's board.