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Even fuller time-space distanciation occurs if the record is organised as part of corporate memory.
Generally, the techniques and methods used are guided by two principles: distanciation and over-identification.
For example, Ricoeur tries to articulate a methodological relationship between explanation and understanding in terms of the problem of distanciation and participation.
A decade earlier the process might have been dubbed distanciation, instead it passed with the merest ribbing and rueful acknowledgement of the new plumage.
Distanciation and Return Analysis on Traditional Culture and Modernization of China.
Articulating his postmodern malaise of alienation and distanciation, these images perform as the horizons of a place that is rapidly transforming.
In the first four series Buffy The Vampire Slayer critiqued American culture using the distanciation of a teenage perspective.
In the wake of RMA technology such as drones, unmanned ground vehicles, and clean bombs, there are several concerns about the distanciation and disassociation that eclipse the realities of war.
The early work of Anthony Giddens and in particular his concept of "time-space distanciation", e.g. in his Critique of Historical Materialism (1981), has also been influential in this area.
Foremost among these analysts surely must be Giddens whose ongoing project of standing classical sociology on its head has routinely relied upon his concepts of "time-space distanciation" to reframe social analysis (see, in particular, 1979 & 1984).
In the spirit of Bertolt Brecht's theory of art and distanciation, Khazarian frees himself from reality, combining in the film amateur films about his own family and contemporary footage from the battlefield in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Kathleen Murphy of Film Comment further responded to the critical reception, explaining that the film "has suffered the kind of skin-deep read so prevalent among film reviewers driven primarily by deadlines and the contemporary demand for hip distanciation (sic)."
De Palma describes the sequence as a constant invocation of Brechtian distanciation: "First of all, I am interested in the medium of film itself, and I am constantly standing outside and making people aware that they are always watching a film."
Puis des planches originales ou imprimées, notes manuscrites et scénarios dactylographiés dialoguent avec des pièces archéologiques "rappelant l'ancrage historique mais aussi la distanciation parodique" de la série, relève la BNF.
But if we are to understand it, and, particularly, if we are to distinguish within it between cynical accommodation and genuine playfulness, we are going to have to go beyond the embarrassingly inappropriate assumption that it has something to do with 'Brechtian' distanciation or 'modernist'self-reflexiveness.
In contrast with the ideological generation of Iranian intellectuals who in their encounter with the western modernity favoured a monistic attitude exemplified by Marxist and Heideggerian philosophies, the Fourth Generation of Iranian intellectuals decided on a move away and a critical distanciation from master ideologies.
"Nous ne sommes pas en bons termes avec les Etats-Unis," écrivait dimanche l'éditorialiste du quotidien Al-Riyadh, en soulignant que la crise syrienne était "un point de rencontre ou de distanciation" dans les rapports entre Ryad et Washington.