This work was widely circulated among the dissident writers and was eventually smuggled out to the West.
FOR the dissident writer, the downfall of the political system he has struggled against can be both a blessing and a curse.
The torture of dissident writers and common thieves is clearly wrong.
Kundera has repeatedly insisted on being considered a novelist, rather than a political or dissident writer.
The dissident writer has vowed to stay away from politics and to work on the spiritual revival of Russia.
This most public of dissident writers is a fiercely private man.
The punishment of dissident writers sometimes went far beyond loss of privileges.
Three dissident Iranian writers have been reported missing in the last month, and now all three have turned up dead.
The homes and graves of these dissident writers of the past are national shrines.
This wave of harassment continued last month when it was directed against dissident writers and defenders of human rights.