The term gender role means those things people say or do to disclose their status of boy or man, girl or woman, respectively.
In bankruptcy however one legally can obtain credit of up to £500 without disclosing one's status as a bankrupt.
Companies that issue stocks and corporate bonds are required to continually disclose their financial status.
"Discovery News" has disclosed its virtual status to viewers since the beginning.
Relief in Disclosure Therapists say most people are glad they have disclosed their infected status.
I live in one of the most liberal cities in the country, and it is still vexingly difficult to disclose my status.
She doesn't disclose her status to him out of fear that he wouldn't want to pursue a relationship with her.
Under section 79 a person with HIV must disclose their status to all sexual partners.
I've disclosed my status as a way of discouraging unwanted advances and it's backfired.
He said many advocates failed to recognize how deeply the public feels about infected people who do not disclose their status to partners.