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Contact directory stores personal and business information (200 entries)
Within a large block, another directory stores the rank of each of the small blocks it contains.
Accounts are directories stored on the host operating system that initially contain the set of files needed for the system to function properly.
The Catalog File is a B-tree that contains records for all the files and directories stored in the volume.
The central directory stores a list of the names of the entries (files or directories) stored in the .
When she got to her office, Monty ignored the stack of correspondence awaiting her, logged on to her computer terminal and called up the electronic phone directory stored on the company's main archive system.
The LTFS-LE software allows the user to mount the tape library allowing users and applications direct access to all files and directories stored in the LTFS Volumes.
These LTFS Volumes may then be mounted using the Linear Tape File System software allowing users and applications direct access to files and directories stored on the tape, including drag-and-drop of files.
The Active Directory database, the directory store, in Windows 2000 Server uses the JET Blue-based Extensible Storage Engine (ESE98) and is limited to 16 terabytes and 2 billion objects (but only 1 billion security principals) in each domain controller's database.
If a database is the result of a great deal of effort alone with little judgment in the design of the database or in the selection of material (for example, a telephone directory stored in a computer database or a directory of postcodes) it is debatable whether it will attract copyright protection.