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"The tetrarch's direct purchasing contact was a Terran.
(Assume that the value or direct purchasing power of one ounce of gold remains constant through the year.)
Torbal sells through some distributors in the Pharmacy Market, but the bulk of its sales are done through direct purchasing.
As regards the cultural barrier, applications for direct purchasing of software, electronic commerce, are now appearing on the Internet, but these applications are essentially American.
There has also been some increase in the direct purchasing of shares by retail customers, a fact that helped lift second-quarter profits of retail brokerage firms.
These tools are also used by the United States Federal Reserve Bank, but the Fed does more direct purchasing of financial assets than its European counterpart.
Amazon.com, which is based in Seattle, issued a statement yesterday stressing that it purchases books from a variety of sources, including Ingram, and will continue to increase its direct purchasing from publishers.
The Whole Earth Catalog sought to balance the international free market by allowing direct purchasing of goods produced primarily in the United States and Canada, but also in Central and South America.
A small but growing number of large companies and other organizations across the country are also experimenting with so-called direct purchasing in an effort to eliminate the commercial H.M.O.'s, which they have come to regard as overpaid middlemen.
The move from newsstand distribution to the direct market (nonreturnable, heavily discounted, direct purchasing of comics from publishers) went hand-in-hand with the growth of specialty comics shops that catered to collectors who could then buy back issues months after a newsstand issue had disappeared.