Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The left hand side, dM, is the change in mass/energy.
In the picture, a section of the wheel has been named dm.
Detective Thomas chose to stay there rather dm at home.
Interestingly, a Dm effect was found in both conditions for older adults.
It flowers at its maximum height of about 6 dm.
DM affects a wide variety of other organ systems as well.
Who said what to whom before the pictures were on the DM site?
A host of studies have found a Dm effect when presenting words as stimuli.
DM had written guidelines for Committee, which has not yet met.
You seem to be defending those named in the DM.
It was the first DM single to have a limited edition.
The total investment for the ride was around 15 million DM.
Just how did the pictures reach the pages of the DM?
By this time, the DM had resolved not to allow it.
Dm, in a corner picking through a file cabinet, stops and looks.
Then he chastises, "You know better dm to ask that.
A potential gain or loss of DM 1m might occur.
The organization also holds DM 50 million in a separate bank account.
However, experiments using pictures or abstract figures have found less consistent Dm effects.
DM causes general weakness, usually beginning in the muscles of the hands, feet, neck, or face.
The construction costs were DM 30 million above the original estimates.
He would cross back into the prison, hide the DM, and hope for the best.
DM participated in study design and coordination of the study.
DM stressed the need for future-proofing whatever network development work is to be carried out.
She's probably ordering a pair of DM's right about now?
It is written in the 2nd person, a direct message to the dead friend.
And suddenly, about three years ago, I realized it was a direct message.
Couldn't you have sent a more direct message to the Emperor?
It must be a strong, clear and direct message in support of farmers.
Note that all the directed messages are sent only once.
Beyond the immediate responses, there was a more direct message for Germany.
In all, 13 players were featured giving direct messages to the fans.
Either his mother or father must have vouched for him because, after that, he'd been given the direct message.
"This is our first one-man show and it has a more direct message."
We are not able at this time to respond to replies or direct messages.
It also sent a direct message to Lebanese politicians, telling them to act on their words.
And we've gotten a direct message from this school: they don't want us here."
I receive direct messages from the world beyond through my spirit guide Sam.
No chance of error, and a very direct message.
Reply to this post or send me a direct message if you prefer.
But I prayed to your mother and father-sent them a direct message.
"It sends a direct message to the operator on the gun.
Messages: The site provides the facility for you to send a direct message to one or more 4mations user.
I tried sending you a direct message through the communicators, but it was blocked.
The direct message feature was created for prolonged two-way conversations.
Registered users can then send direct messages to suitable candidates.
Leaders of China and Taiwan exchange direct messages for the first time in more than 60 years.
Audioboo's new direct messages - the future for personalised radio?
Though the film does not give any direct message, it does hint at what makes or breaks a relationship.