Costwise, direct coupling has the edge, naturally since there are no moving parts to maintain once the holes have been sunk.
To allow direct coupling a dual rail power supply is used.
The radar can be tested either through direct coupling, or through air coupling with antennas.
That said, some discrete circuits (such as power amplifiers) also employ direct coupling to cut cost and improve low frequency performance.
With direct coupling, adjustment of this control can compensate for a limited DC component of an input.
Studies have shown that no direct coupling of the acoustic field with chemical species on a molecular level can account for sonochemistry or sonoluminescence.
This was the main factor drat had restricted direct coupling to the medulla.
This is a direct coupling to a lower temperature bath, which also cools the beam.
Older machines may have a vidicon type pickup tube, with direct fiber-optic coupling to the image intensifier.
In this model called a "direct coupling" the two cycles share a key protein whose expression exhibits a circadian pattern.