Skeptics look at interactivity and see a Hula Hoop with digital read-out.
His vital signs were flashed on a digital read-out, like the time and temperature bulletins outside a bank.
The dash was updated with a brand-new radio and automatic climate control with digital read-out, on certain models.
It was shaped like a torpedo, black, with six tiny switches and a glass panel with a digital read-out.
Let us run the computer scan down this length, with an eye to the digital read-out.
It had a window set into the surface, a digital read-out.
By quarter past ten that morning, the digital read-out in front of the bank announced the temperature in Castle Rock as seventy-seven degrees.
At once, the numbers changed on the digital read-out, but no music came forth, just the sound of water, gushing and tumbling, growling yet whispery.
Grainy, blurry, poorly lit black-and-white pictures, date and time in a cheesy digital read-out on the bottom right-hand corner of each frame.
On the digital read-out was the number of Mt. Locust Visitors Center followed by 911.